Built around 1574 for the family who gives it this name, this castle is a very historical footprint of the region.
In the XVII century, Ottavia Orsini had the gardens built in a renaissance style which are even today one of the best examples of Italian gardens, it has even a labyrinth inside.
Those Gardens are a work of art and they are one of the best attraction of this territory.
The tunnels we can find under Vignanello are called Connutti in dialect. Those tunnels exist from the times that Etruscan used to live in these lands and they were used to collect water from underground layers and bring it to the surface. Later they were used for defensive purposes in medieval. Even today those tunnels keep their main function of water collect: in fact, inside those tunnels, there is the main pipe that feeds the fountains that we can find inside the Ruspoli castle's garden.
Our small town has lots of very ancient churches that remind of different building style, The most known is the "Collegiata Santa Maria della Presentazione" that has been built around 1710 and 1723. Then we can find the church of the "Madonna del Pianto" that has been made with the people's offers in 1785 after that a miracle happened in the same place. We can find the church of the "Santissimi Angeli Custodi" that has been erected in 1705. This church housed the "Confraternita dei Sacconi", an order established by Saint Giaginta Marescotti in '600.
A natural heritage of Humanity, this enormous space of green can't do anything other than leaving everyone breathless and with an inner sense of peace that it will make you feel as in a fairy tale.
This Palace is one of the wonders of this zone. It has some marvellous work of art and has fame all over the national territory.
Visit this place is one the "Must" when you talk about the Tuscia, don't do it will be a big waste.
A thirteenth-century building, this castle is made on a village and is one of the pillars of Vasanello.
In 1285, Orso Orsini started building the first tower, but then he ended up losing the whole structure.
But in the second half of the fifteenth century, this castle came back to the Orsini, and they finished raising it.
You should visit this attraction, at least to understand how big has been the labour behind this edification.
A Pyramid made of "peperino" (a common element in Lazio) of ten meters where on the top the Etruscan priest used to sacrifice people to the gods of hell.
It is possible to arrive at this Pyramid with a hike on a path of about 6 kilometres, but it is really worth the pain.
Lante's Manor presents one of the most famous Italian gardens of the fifteenth century with marvellous fountains.
This Structure represents the ideal marriage between landscape and architecture.
The Palace of the Popes is one of the most important monuments in this city, is a piece of Italian and Christian history as the site of the first and longest conclave.
This palace must absolutely be visited for being so important, as you should visit the whole old town of Viterbo so you can fall in love with this amazing village and feel the history all around you.
Lake of volcanic origin, the myth tells that this lake came after that Hercules stuck into the ground his iron rod to show his strength and challenge the villagers to remove it.
No one succeeded in the enterprise and Hercules removed it himself, but as soon as he did from the hole in the ground a big jet of water welled and this gave life to the lake that now is on our territory.